
Abort (Magic xpi 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Abort (Magic xpi 3.x)

When the Magic xpi Server aborts a flow, it kills all processes and aborts the current flow when a system crash or flow timeout occurs.

The Server reads the recovery information of any incomplete flow sequences and then performs these actions:

  1. All active threads of this flow sequence are ended. This is only relevant for timed-out flows.

  2. Activity information for the flow sequence is deleted.

  3. Threads in other Servers are ended by calling a program on the remote Server and passing the threads that should be ended.

  4. A user-defined clean-up flow is called.

  5. Flows set with Transaction abilities are rolled back.

  6. The flow sequence’s recovery information is deleted.

  7. ODS records are deleted.

  8. Any locks on the flow sequence are deleted.
