
Subform Detail Properties (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Subform Detail Properties (Magic xpa 2.x)



Mobile Support

Connect To

The object to be called by the subform. When setting this property in the program’s Form Editor, the options are Program (default) or Subtask. When setting this property in the Model repository, the only option available is Program.

The options are Program (default), Subtask or None. (Since version: None option: Rich Client support – 1.9 and Online support – 2.1)

The None option lets you define empty Subform controls (without a program/task). This allows for the declaration of placeholders for a called task to run in.

When you select the None option:

  • The subform is not drawn when the task loads.

  • When a Call operation has a Destination set and the call is made to that subform, the subform is displayed according to the Visible property value. It is refreshed when the argument is changed according to the Automatic Refresh property value.

  • You can use the Subform Refresh internal event from both the program where the subform resides and the called program's Runtime parent.

When setting this property in the Model repository, the only option available is Program.



The Program or Subtask number to be called by the subform. You can zoom from this property to select the program or subtask.

When the Connect to property is set to Program, the Program list is displayed when zooming from this property.

When the Connect to property is set to Subtask, the Subtask list is displayed when zooming from this property. From the Subtask list, you can easily create a new subtask by clicking the Create button and defining the properties of the new subtask.

Note: You can easily jump to the program or subtask by selecting Options > Go to Object. Once you are done, you can return to the property by selecting Options > Return to Object. Since version: 1.5



The number of arguments passed from the program or subtask to the subform. You can zoom to display the Argument repository and edit/view the passed arguments and expected arguments. This property is disabled in the Model repository.


Automatic Refresh

Specifies whether the subform view is automatically refreshed upon any modification of one of its passed arguments (by value and/or by reference).

When you set the value to Yes or an expression that evaluates to True, Magic xpa automatically refreshes the subform when any of the subform’s passed arguments have been changed in the parent, sibling, or nested tasks related to the subform. The runtime engine will also refresh the subform task when range or link values have changed.

In Rich Client tasks, an expression used in this property must be neutral (can be executed both on the client and server side).

See also:

How Do I Manually Refresh the View of the Subform?

How Do I Refresh the Subform View Only on Modifying the Last Argument When Passing Several Arguments to the Subform?


Refresh when hidden

Governs the subform initialization and automatic refresh timing.

When this property is set to Yes, there is no difference whether or not the subform is visible, meaning:

  • The subform's task initialization will be executed after the Record Prefix of the first record in the data view.

  • The subform refresh will be done according to the Automatic Refresh property.

Note: Setting this property to No enhances the performance, since subforms that are hidden will not be refreshed until they become visible. The drawback is that when the subform becomes visible, the user will wait until a refresh is done.

When this property is set to No, the subform's task initialization and automatic refresh will only happen if the subform is visible. This means that:

  • Before executing each subform's task, its visibility will be checked and if it is invisible, the subform's task will not execute, and will be deferred. Once the client requires the subform to be displayed, there will be a call to the server, and the subform's task will be displayed for the first time.

  • The execution of the subform's Task Prefix will also be deferred to the first time that the subform is visible.

  • If the subform's visible expression is a client-side expression, then when the task loads, the subform will be regarded as visible.

  • In Online tasks, for nested subforms defined with a value of No, if the parent subform has value of Yes at runtime, then the nested subform will also be executed with a value of Yes.

Note: The Subform Refresh event is not affected by this property, so when manually raised the subform will be refreshed.

When this property has an expression, the behavior will be according to the expression value at Runtime. If the expression value becomes True:

  • In Online, the subform will be refreshed immediately.

  • In Rich Client, the subform will not be refreshed immediately.

Since version: Rich Client support: 1.5; Online support: 2.0a

See also How Do I Prevent the Subform from Being Refreshed If It Is Not Visible?


Is Cached

Specifies whether the client will perform data view caching for the subforms.

This property is available in Rich Client tasks only.

Note: The cache will only work if the called program/task does not have a Server-side expression in its range/locate.

Control Name

The Subform control name. The default value is the name of the connected program or subtask.

The control name is used by handlers and functions to refer to the control.

Unicode is not supported for this property.

