Dynamics AX Resource (Magic xpi 4.1)
The Dynamics AX Resource Setting window contains the following parameters (parameters in bold are mandatory):
Service URL
The inbound integration port address that is exposed in Dynamics AX. The supported protocols are NetTCP, HTTP, and HTTPS.
The domain where the Dynamics AX server resides.
User Name
The user name for logging into the Dynamics AX server.
The password for logging into the Dynamics AX server.
The Dynamics AX resource also gives you the following button:
Load Service
Click this button to generate the schemas from the given WSDL, and to create the configuration file. The configuration file is named client.config, and is saved in the projects/<project name>/DynamicsAX/<resource name> folder. This file is created here so that it can be used in runtime.
If you rename your Dynamics AX resource, you need to reload the service. Otherwise, the Dynamics AX step will not be able to locate the relevant schemas.
If you rename, delete, or load an existing resource using the Load Preferences feature, no changes are made to any physical files other than the resources.xml and services.xml files. Files are not copied during this process. You must therefore make these additional changes manually.

For use with: