Encryption – Methods
Use the following methods to configure the Encryption component:
The following table lists the methods and parameters that can be used. Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Encrypt method encrypts source data.

Encryption Method
Enter the encryption method for the encryption operation.
Enter the encryption mode. The mode must be supported by the selected Encryption Method.
Select a key variable:
Enter a variable to indicates the input data.
Base 64
Select one of the following from the drop-down list to indicate whether Base 64 is used:
Output Type
Select the output type to receive the decrypted output from the drop-down list:
Output File Name
Click to select the name and path of the encrypted output file.
Error Code
This parameter is returned, with the corresponding error code, when an error occurs.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Decrypt method decrypts source data.

Decryption Method
Enter the encryption method used for the component being decrypted.
Enter the encryption mode used for the component being decrypted. The mode must be supported by the Encryption Method already selected.
Select a key variable:
Enter a variable that indicate the input data.
Base 64
Select one of the following from the drop-down list to indicate whether Base 64 is used:
Output Type
Select the output type to receive the decrypted output from the drop-down list:
Output File Name
Click to select the name and path of the encrypted output file.
Error Code
This parameter is returned, with the corresponding error code, when an error occurs.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.

Encryption – Supported Encryption Methods and Modes
How to Use Direct Access Methods