Resource Name
The name of the resource, previously defined in the Resource Repository, that you selected in the Component Properties dialog box's Settings tab.
The entity that the operation will be performed on. Select one of the following entities from the drop-down list.
Mail (default)
Various operations are available, depending on the entity that you selected in the Entity field (above).
Select one of the following operations from the drop-down list:
When executing a Query operation, you can use the following valid comparison operands:
=, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=, Between, LIKE
GetById: This is used to retrieve mail messages by their ItemId.
Send: This is used to send a mail message. The message is then moved to the Sent Items folder. This operation is available only if you selected Mail in the Entity field (above).
Add: This is used to add new contacts to your organization’s data. You can use the Data Mapper to specify new entity fields’ values. This operation is not available if you selected Mail in the Entity field (above).
Update: This is used to update a specific contact in your organization’s data. When you update a contact, you need to know its ItemId. For example, you can use the Query operation (above) to retrieve an ItemId, and then you can call the Update operation. You should use the Data Mapper to set the ItemId, as well as the other fields that you want to update. You can also use this operation in conjunction with the Mail entity. For example, you can mark an email as read by updating the IsRead element value to true.
Delete: This is used to delete a mail message. The message is then moved to the Deleted Items folder.
The Calendar entity supports extended property name-value pairs when working with the following operations:
Query: Specifies the extended property name-value pair.
Add: Adds a name-value pair to a new Calendar item.
Update: Adds a name-value pair to an existing Calendar item or updates a value in an existing Calendar item's name-value pair. The new value overwrites the old value. Names cannot be updated. You need to specify the following:
Delete: Deletes a Calendar item according to the extended property's name-value pair. If the Calendar item's ID and the name-value pair are given, only the Calendar item ID will be used.
The contents of extended property name-value pairs cannot be seen in the Microsoft® Exchange user interface. Instead, the contents appear in responses to Query operations.
An account on a computer that is hosting an Exchange 2007 server can perform actions by using the permissions that are associated with another account. The impersonating account can then fulfill the same functions as the primary account.
Click to open the Expression Editor and enter the email address of the user account that you want to impersonate.
Determines which email folder you will work with. Click to open the Folder List, and select the required folder. The default is Inbox.
This field is available only if you selected Mail in the Entity field and Query in the Operation field (above).
Include Body
Determines whether you want to include the email's body. The default is checked.
This field is available only if you selected Mail in the Entity field, and Query or GetById in the Operation field (above).
Determines the email's body format. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
This field is available only if you selected Mail in the Entity field, and Query or GetById in the Operation field (above).In addition, this field is relevant only when the Include Body field (above) is checked.
Download Attachments
Determines whether you want to download the email's attachment. The default is unchecked.
If you select this option, attachments are downloaded to:
The attachment file name is prefixed with a download timestamp.
Max Returns
Determines whether there will be a restriction on the number of mail messages retrieved by a Query operation. The default is unlimited.
If you want to limit the number of retrieved mail messages, enter your chosen limit in the adjacent field. You can also enter the limit by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
This field is available only if you selected Mail in the Entity field and Query in the Operation field (above).
Send Update
Determines whether to update the recipients with any changes that you made. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
This field is available only if you selected Calendar in the Entity field and Add, Update, or Delete in the Operation field (above).
Delete Permanently
Enables you to delete an item from the server in a way that it cannot be restored. The default is unchecked.
This field is available only if you selected Calendar or Task in the Entity field and Delete in the Operation field (above).
Result Options
Store Result In
Defines where you want to store the resulting XML file. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
Variable (default): Select a variable to hold the entity data that is returned by the Exchange 2007 server. Click to open the Variables List, and select a variable where this information is to be stored (the default is C.UserBlob).
File: Select a file to hold the entity data that is returned by the Exchange 2007 server. Click to open the Expression Editor, or click and enter the file path where this information is to be stored.
Split files: Splits a large XML file into several smaller XML files. If you select this option, you need to enter the required information in the Split Files Options section of this dialog box (below).
Operation Success
This field lets you easily determine if the data entity was successfully located in the Exchange 2007 server. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
None (default): Select this option if you do not want to save the connector’s success or failure status.
Variable: Click to open the Variables List. Select the variable where you want to store the connector's success or failure status.
Split Files Options
The directory holding the split files. Click to open the Expression Editor and enter the directory name.
The prefix of the split files. Click to open the Expression Editor and enter the prefix.
Records per file
The number of records in each split file. Click to open the Expression Editor and enter the required number of records.
Number of splits
The numeric variable where the number of splits will be returned to. Click to open the Variables List and select the required variable.