File Archive – Methods
Use the following methods to configure the File Archive component:
The following table lists the methods and parameters that can be used. Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Archive method archives selected files.

File to Archive
The name of the file to archive. You can enter wildcard characters (such as *or ?) to indicate a group of files. For example, if you have a group of files that begin with the word Stop, enter Stop* to archive all files that begin with Stop.
If a wildcard (*.* or *.txt) character is used as the source file name, it will create a zip file called if the multiple files are on the root directory.
If multiple files are on a directory or folder such as c:\temp\*.* the zipped file's name will contain the name of directory (for example,
Archived file name
Enter the file name and path of the new archived file.
When you archive a file into a folder or directory with the same name as a file that is in that directory, the original file is overwritten. For example if you archive a.txt as and then archive b.txt as in the same folder, the new file overwrites the original file.
Return file as BLOB
Select Yes or No from the drop-down list to indicate whether to return the file as a BLOB.
Error Code
This parameter is returned, with the corresponding error code, when an error occurs.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Extract method extracts selected archived files.

Source File to Extract
Enter the file name and path of the file to extract.
Location to Extract
Enter the file name and path of the folder where the file is to be extracted.
Error Code
This parameter is returned, with the corresponding error code, when an error occurs.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.

How to Use Direct Access Methods