The following table lists the methods and parameters that can be used. Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Append BLOB to File writes data into a new file, when there is no target file, or appends selected data at the end of an existing file by adding the contents of any BLOB or string.

Target File Name
Enter the full path and name of the file being appended.
Enter the data to be appended to the file.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Command Line scans executable files for commands.

Execute File Name
Enter the full path and name of the command being run.
Certain commands, for example del *.*, require user input. However, the Magic xpi Server works in background mode and therefore does not enable user input in the command line. Therefore, when using commands requiring user input, you should run the commands in quiet mode (/Q in Windows®).
In quiet mode, Magic xpi assumes that you wanted to use the default form of the command. For example, when you use the Delete command, the user would normally be asked whether to delete the file (Y/N). In quiet mode, Magic xpi therefore assumes the default form of the command, i.e. Y to delete the file.
To run the Delete command in quiet mode you should enter:
del /Q *.*
For IBM i (AS/400) computers, this method is not supported. Use the System i connector's Run Command method instead.
Command Line Parameters
Enter a list of parameters for the command.
Enter the time (in seconds) that the component will wait to execute the command before continuing to the next step.
Log File Location
Enter the full path and name of the log file for the command.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Copy File copies a file to a selected target.

From File Name
Enter the full path and name of the file to be copied.
To File Name
Enter the full path and name of the copied file's target.
Note: If the target file exists, it is overwritten.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Copy Folder copies all files from the Source folder to the Destination folder.

Source Folder
The folder where you want to copy the files from.
Destination Folder
The folder where you want to copy the files to. If this folder does not exist, it will be created.
Copy Sub Folders
Select Yes if you want the component to copy subfolders.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Create File writes data into a new file.

Target File Name
Enter the full path and name of the file being created.
Enter the data to be included in the file being created.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
An error is sent if the target file exists.
Create Folder creates a new folder.

Folder Name
Enter the name of the folder to be created.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error is returned.
Delete File deletes a selected file.

File Name
Enter the name of the file to be deleted.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error is returned.
Delete Folder deletes a folder with all its files.

Folder Name
Enter the name of the folder to be deleted.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error is returned.
Log File creates or edits a log file in UTF-8 format with the contents of the Log Data String.

Log File Name
Enter the full path and name of the log file being created.
Log Data String
Enter the data to be sent to the Log Data String. This information is used to create or edit the log file.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Read File reads the data in a selected file.

From File Name
Enter the full path and name of the file being read.
A data BLOB with the contents of the read file.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Read Folder reads the folder contents and returns a file containing file names with a separate row for each file name. Folder names will be prefixed with "\", such as: \Temp.

Folder Name
Enter the name of the folder to be read.
Include Sub Folders
Select Yes if you want the component to also read the subfolders' files.
Folder List
This BLOB contains files in the specified folder.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Rename File renames a selected file.

From File Name
Enter the full path and name of the file being moved to and renamed.
To File Name
Enter the full path and name of the renamed file's target.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
An error is sent if the target file exists.
Rename Folder renames the specified folder.

From Folder Name
Enter the name of the folder that you want to rename.
To Folder Name
Enter the name to give the folder that you are renaming. The new folder name must not exist. It cannot contain a new drive or path.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Write File writes to a selected file.

Target File Name
Enter the full path and name of the file receiving the data (that is being written).
Enter the data being written to the file.
A new file is created if the file does not exist. If the file exists, it is overwritten.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.