The Model property lets you:
Frame Name
The name of the frame. The frame name is used to reference the frame as the requested target when a hyperlink or submit button is clicked in another frame. The corresponding HTML code is: <FRAME name="..."...>
Specifies whether the frame has horizontal or vertical scrollbars when the HTML contents displayed are larger than the frame. The default setting is number. The corresponding HTML code is: <FRAME scrolling=no...>
Specifies whether the frame can be resized by clicking and dragging on any of the frame borders. All frames adjacent to the border to be dragged must have this property set to Yes. The default setting is number. The corresponding HTML code is: <FRAME noresize...>
The source for the frame’s contents. Zoom or double-click from the Hyperlink Value property to the Hyperlink dialog box to define the hyperlink. The selected hyperlink is displayed inside the frame. The corresponding HTML code is: <FRAME src=”...”...>
HTML Internal Attribute
An attribute from the HTML Style repository to be added to the <FRAME> tag.