HL7 – Methods
Use the following methods to configure the HL7 component:
The following table lists the methods and parameters that can be used. Parameters in bold are mandatory.
HL7 to XML method converts an HL7 textual (pipe delimited) message to an XML structured message.

HL7 Message
Enter a BLOB that contains the HL7 message that you want to convert to an XML message.
Click to open the Expression Editor to create an expression.
The HL7 messages are saved in the Messages.txt file at: ifclib\HL7\xsd
XML Message
Select a variable that will hold the message in XML structure.
Click to open the Variables List.
Error Code
This parameter is returned, with the corresponding error code, when an error occurs.
Send HL7 Message method facilitates the sending of HL7 messages to the HL7 server. To use this method correctly, you should first configure an HL7 resource.

HL7 Message
Enter a BLOB file containing the HL7 message, in pipe structure, that you want to send. XMLs are not permitted.
Click to open the Expression Editor to create an expression.
ACKnowledge Message
Select a variable to hold the received ACKnowledge message.
Click to open the Variables List.
Error Code
This parameter is returned, with the corresponding error code, when an error occurs.
XML to HL7 method converts an XML structured message to an HL7 textual (pipe delimited) message.

XML Message
Enter a BLOB that contains the HL7 XML-structured message that you want to convert.
HL7 Message
Select a variable that will hold the message in HL7 pipe delimited structure.
Click to open the Variables List.
The HL7 messages are saved in the Messages.txt file at: ifclib\HL7\xsd
Error Code
This parameter is returned, with the corresponding error code, when an error occurs.

How to Use Direct Access Methods