Individual Server Management (Magic xpi 4.1)
Magic xpi lets you execute management operations on individual servers as opposed to on the whole project. You can instruct a specific server to shut down, start a stopped server, delete a server object from the Space, or run a new server instance. These operations can be accessed from the following places in the Advanced Monitoring Console:
To perform a server management operation, right-click on the relevant server and select one of the following options from the context menu:
Shuts down the current server. This option is available only when the selected server is currently running. A dialog box allows you to set the timeout period for this to take effect.
When you shut down a server, all workers are sent messages to continue until the timeout or if no messages are available. Each worker that finishes the flow will terminate and will not take new work. When you shut down a server, the Projects View will display the warning icon to indicate that not all servers are running.
Instructs the server to start, using the Magic server entity (ServerData object) settings that were added early for this server.
This option is available only when the selected server has stopped or failed, or when the server's status is START_FAILED.
Clear Entry
Deletes the server entity (ServerData object) settings from the Magic Space.
This option is available only when the selected server has stopped or failed.
Run New Instance
Runs another instance of this Magic xpi server according to the data defined in the server entity. (If you access this from the Server node, all of the fields are blank.) This is useful if you need to add more workers to the pool. By default, this dialog box displays data from the current server, the one you are parked on.
This option is available regardless of the current server state.
This opens the New Server Instance dialog box (see below). Here, enter the new server details and click OK. A new ServerData object will then be created.
The New Server Instance dialog box opens when you select Run New Instance from the individual server management context menu. This dialog box contains the following parameters:
Server Host
Enter the server host name for the new server instance.
Projects Directory
Enter the required location for the newly created projects.
Number of Instances
Enter the number of server instances that you want to create.
Load Triggers
Select this check box to load a trigger when you create a new server.
Load Scheduler
Select this check box to load a scheduler when you create a new server.
Load Auto-start
Select this check box to invoke a flow when the newly created server starts.
Number of Workers
Enter the number of workers that will operate under the new server.
If you just run a new server instance, all of the definitions defined in the original start.xml file are used, including whether to load the scheduler and triggers.

See our video demonstrations about adding and shutting down server instances from the Advanced Monitoring Console.