Local Magic xpa Engine (Magic xpa 2.x)
The list below describes the HRESULTS that may be returned by the COM object of a local Magic xpa engine.
Magic xpa engine not loaded
This error is usually encountered when a method is called and no Magic xpa engine is available.
You should load the Magic xpa engine using the MagicEngineLoad method prior to all other method calls.
Failed to load Magic xpa engine
The MagicEngineLoad property failed to load the Magic xpa runtime engine. This error can be encountered when:
The Magic xpa runtime engine could not be found in the path defined by the MagicEnginePath property.
The MagicEnginePath property is blank, and the Magic xpa runtime engine could not be found in the path defined by the registry key of the product that specifies the installation directory.
The Magic xpa engine cannot be loaded due to erroneous environment settings, such as using a wrong license. Make sure that the Magic xpa runtime engine is properly installed and that it can be loaded properly with the environment settings defined for it.
Failed to load Magic xpa engine - Bad registry path
The MagicEngineLoad method failed to load the Magic xpa runtime engine through the install directory specified in the registry because the expected registry key could not be found. This error is encountered when:
The Magic xpa product of the expected version is not installed.
The registry key was manually modified.
The Magic xpa product was not properly installed resulting in improper registry key settings.
You should make sure that the Magic xpa product is properly installed or set the MagicEnginePath property to the Magic xpa runtime engine directory.
Failed to unload Magic xpa engine
The MagicEngineUnload method failed to unload the Magic xpa engine. This error is encountered when:
Failed to load Magic xpa engine - Timeout occurred while trying to synchronize with engine
The timeout defined by the EngineLoadTimeout property passed before a Magic xpa engine was loaded. You should make sure that the EngineLoadTimeout property is properly set to provide sufficient time for the Magic xpa engine to load.
Failed to load Magic xpa engine - No HTTP connection with engine
The MagicEngineLoad method fails to establish an HTTP connection with the Magic xpa engine. This error is encountered when:
You should make sure that the TCP/IP layer is installed and that the Magic xpa engine is not set to be activated as a request server.
General error
An unmapped error.