Logging - Component Properties (Magic xpi 4.1)
Magic xpi enables you to request logging information through a flow's components. This information can then be viewed in the Monitor in the Activity Log View's message type called Component Logging. You can configure logging settings with the Logging tab of the Component Properties dialog box. The logging settings are slightly different depending on whether you are using the component as a step or as a trigger.
Logging Scope
Using the Logging Scope property, you can specify when the information is to be sent to the Magic xpi Activity Log view in the Magic xpi Monitor. The possible options are:
No (default): Nothing will be written to the Magic xpi Activity Log view.
Method: Magic xpi will write information to the log for each method in the step. This will be carried out after the method was executed. The XML interface does not allow Method level logging.
Step: Magic xpi will write information to the log for the entire step.
Full: Magic xpi will write information for both the Step and the Method options.
Step Logging Options
This property is only available if either Step or Full are selected in the Logging Scope property (above). The property defines when the information will be logged to the Monitor.
The available options are:
Before: Information will be logged before starting the step.
After: Information will be logged after the step has finished its execution.
Full: Information will be logged before and after execution of the step.
This is the message that is saved in the log. You can either type the message, or click to open the Expression Editor and create a message.
The BLOB file contains the message that is sent to the log. You can use the Expression Editor to select a BLOB file by clicking to the right of the BLOB field.
File Extension
Enter a file extension manually, or click to select the required file extension from the File Extension list dialog box. When you enter a file extension manually, it is added automatically to the File Extension list.

Logging Scope
Using the Logging Scope property, you can specify when the information is to be sent to the Magic xpi Activity Log view in the Magic xpi Monitor. The possible options are:
This is the message that is saved in the log. You can either type the message, or click to open the Expression Editor and create a message.
The BLOB file contains the message that is sent to the log. You can use the Expression Editor to select a BLOB file by clicking to the right of the BLOB field.
File Extension
Enter a file extension manually, or click to select the required file extension from the File Extension list dialog box. When you enter a file extension manually, it is added automatically to the File Extension list.

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