How Do I Map to Specific Instances? (Magic xpi 4.1)
To map single-occurrence compounds to a multi-occurrence compound, use Instance Creation to multiply Destination compounds. Then map the Source data to the appropriate created compound.
Sample Schema for Input XML Document:

Sample Schema for Output XML Document:

Sample XML Document:

Create a Data Mapper step.
Define an XML Source type, based on the given schema.
Define a Destination type, which supports multi-occurrence compounds (for example, XML), based on the given schema.
In the Data Mapper screen, define the mappings shown below.

Enable Instance Creation by checking the Replication check box in the Destination compound’s Node Properties screen.
Verify that the compound name was changed to Address#1 in the Data Mapper screen.
From the compound node’s context menu, select Add Replication to create the required number of replications. Connect the simple elements in the Source to each specific Destination instance.