The following table lists the methods and parameters that can be used. Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Bookmark executes actions on a bookmark.

The action that you want to take. Select GetCount, GetName, Add, Delete, Select, or SetValue from the drop-down list.
Index Type
Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
Index Number
Bookmark by index number. This is the default index. This is available only when you select Number in the Index Type field (above).
Index Name
Bookmark by index name. This is available only when you select Name in the Index Type field (above).
Bookmark content.
Bookmark name on GetName and Add.
Number of bookmarks.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Document Close closes the document.

Save Changes
Save on closing. Select No or Yes from the drop-down list.
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Document Open lets you open a Word document. If a document doesn't exist, this method will create one.

File Name
The full path name of the doc file, including the .doc extension. For example, My Documents\file1.doc
Read Only
Opens the file in read-only mode. Select Yes or No from the drop-down list.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Document Print lets you print the document or Set/Get the active printer.

The action that you want to take. Select Print, SetPrinter, or GetPrinter from the drop-down list.
The number of copies.
Active Printer
The printer name.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Document Protect lets you Protect/Unprotect the document.

Enables you to prevent damage to the document by protecting it. Select No or Yes from the drop-down list.
Protection Type
Lets you set the type of protection that you want for the document. Select AllowOnlyRevisions, AllowOnlyComments, or AllowOnlyFormFields from the drop-down list.
No Reset Form Fields
Generates a No Reset Form Fields flag. Select No or Yes from the drop-down list.
Lets you set a password to protect the document.
The entered password will be masked by dots.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Document Save lets you save the document using the Save or Save As functions, in various formats.

The action that you want to take. Select Save or Save As from the drop-down list.
File Name
The full path name of the doc file, including the .doc extension. For example, My Documents\file1.doc
This is available only when you select Save As in the Action field (above).
File Format
The format that you want to save the file in. Select DOC, HTML, Text, RTF, or Template from the drop-down list.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Form Field executes actions on form fields.

The action that you want to take. Select GetCount, GetName, SetName, Delete, Select, SetValue, GetValue, or Unlink from the drop-down list.
Index Number
Form field by index number. This is the default index. This parameter is valid for all actions except GetCount.
Index Name
Form field by index name. This parameter is valid if the index number is 0, and is also valid for all actions except GetCount.
Form field content. This parameter is valid only for the GetValue and SetValue actions.
Form field name on the GetName and SetName actions..
Number of form fields on the GetCount action.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Header Footer activates a document's headers or footers.

The action that you want to take. Select ActivateHeader or ActivateFooter from the drop-down list.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Insert Objects lets you insert an object in to the document.

The type of object that you want to insert. Select File, Picture, PDF, FieldDate, FieldTime, FieldAuthor, FieldFileName, or FieldPage from the drop-down list.
File Name
The full path name of the doc file, including the .doc extension. For example, My Documents\file1.doc
Insert Position
The position of the file that you want to insert. Select Current or LastPage from the drop-down list.
The height of the object in points.
The width of the object in points.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
List lets you set, get, or delete an entry from a list table.

The action that you want to take. Select Set, Get, or Delete from the drop-down list.
This parameter is the record number in the list table. If this parameter is left blank, or defined as 0 in conjunction with the Delete action, the complete list table will be deleted.
This parameter is valid only for Set or Get actions.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
List to XML lets you generate the list table records in an XML file format. This is relevant only if you selected GetList in the Action parameter of the Paragraph method.

XML File Name
This is the XML file created by the last GetList Action. The User BLOB will contain the XML result.
Source File Name
This is the source file name used for the last GetList action in the Paragraph method.
Sort By
Defines the order in which the output will be generated. Select Number, Row, or Column from the drop-down menu.
XML Result
This parameter returns the output in XML format.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Macro lets you activate a macro that is contained in a document.

Macro Name
The name of the macro that you want to activate.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Paragraph executes actions on selected paragraphs.

The action that you want to take. Select GetCount, Delete, Select, SetValue, GetValue, or GetList from the drop-down list.
Index Number
The index number. This is mandatory for some operations.
List From Index
The range from the index number for the GetList action.
List To Index
The range to the index number for the GetList action.
Clear Invalid Characters
Lets you clear invalid characters from the text. Select No or Yes from the drop-down list.
Indicates the paragraph content.
Indicates the number of paragraphs.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Quit lets you quit Word. It is recommended to use this method at the end of processing to remove Microsoft Word from the Windows Task Manager.

Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Selection Format lets you format the selected object. The object can be a table, a row, a column, a cell, a paragraph, a form field, or a bookmark. You should define a specific area before using this command.

Font Name
Lets you select the desired font.
Font Size
Lets you select the desired font size.
Font Color
Lets you select the desired font color.
Font Style
Lets you select the desired font style. Select Bold, -Bold, Underline, -Underline, Italic, -Italic, Outline, -Outline, Shadow, -Shadow, Strikethrough, or -Strikethrough from the drop-down list.
Background Color
Lets you select the cell background color.
Lets you select the desired alignment for the selection. Select Left, Center, or Right from the drop-down list
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Selection Move lets you move or extend the selection of the specified unit according to the specified action. However, not all units are available for all actions.

The action that you want to take. Select Move To, Home, End, Up, Down, Left, or Right from the drop-down list.
The unit that you want to move. Select wdCharacter, wdWord, wdSentence, wdParagraph, wdLine, wdStory, wdScreen, wdSection, or wdColumn.
Number Of Units
The number of the units that you want to move.
Move or Extend
Lets you choose whether to extend or move a unit. Select Move or Extend from the drop-down list.
Number Of Units Moved
Tells you the number of units that were moved.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Selection Text lets you Get or Set a text in the selection area. This method is relevant only after you have used the Selection Move method.

The action that you want to take. Select GetValue or SetValue from the drop-down list.
Clear Invalid Characters
Lets you clear invalid characters from the text. Select No or Yes from the drop-down list.
The value that you want to Get or Set.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Table executes an operation on a table.

The action that you want to take. Select Activate, ActivateHeader, ActivateFooter, GetRowsCount, GetColumnsCount, Select, Delete, SelectRow, AddRow, CopyRow, DeleteRow, GetRowCellsCount, SelectColumn, AddColumn, CopyColumn, DeleteColumn, GetPageBreaks, SetPageBreaks, SetHeadingFormat, GetDirection, SetDirection, GetAlignment, or SetAlignment from the drop-down list.
Represents the table number.
Row or Column number
Lets you define the row or column that you want to Copy, Delete, or Select.
Insertion Point
Lets you define the insertion point, before the row number or the column number.
Heading Format
Gives you the option of formatting the header or the footer. Select No or Yes from the drop-down list.
Allow Page Break
Lets you Get or Set a page break. The valid values are No and Yes.
Table Direction
Lets you Get or Set the table direction.
Rows Alignment
Lets you Get or Set the rows alignment page break property.
Counts the rows, columns, or cells.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Table Cell executes operations on a table cell.

The action that you want to take. Select SetValue, GetValue, SetProperties, Select, or Clear from the drop-down list.
The table row.
The table column.
Font Name
The font that you want to use.
Font Size
The font size that you want to use.
Font Color
The font color that you want to use.
Font Style
The font style that you want to use.
Background Color
The cell background color that you want to use.
The cell value.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Tables lets you define the actions on the table.

The action that you want to take. Select GetCount or Create from the drop-down list.
Number Of Rows
The number of rows that the action will create.
Number Of Columns
The number of columns that the action will create.
Add Position
Lets you add the table at either the start of the document or at the end of it. Select Start or End from the drop-down list.
Counts the number of tables in the document.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
XML Execute lets you create a document in an XML format, according to a template document and a set of commands described in an XML file.

XML File Name
The full path XML name. (You need to supply either the XML name or the XML BLOB)
The full path XML BLOB. (You need to supply either the XML name or the XML BLOB)
Word Document Name
The full path of the new Word document name.
Error Code
The operation error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.