Position - Range/Locate (Magic xpa 2.x)
This property lets you display a record according to its position or a set of records beginning from a specific position. This property is relevant only for the Main source of the task. The linked tables cannot be ranged or located according to their position.
The property accepts a BLOB expression indicating the position of the record from which you want the task to start or locate.
The Position property is enabled only for tasks with a Main source.
It can accept an expression that returns a BLOB expression that holds a records position.
There are two functions that return a record's position:
CurrPosition – This function returns, as a BLOB expression, the internal position of the current record of the Main source of the task represented by its depth.
ErrPosition – This function returns, as a BLOB expression, the internal position of the record on which the most recent error occurred.
Database specific: Range on a position is not supported for local data sources.