
Running Two RIA Applications from the Same Server (Magic xpa 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Running Two RIA Applications from the Same Server (Magic xpa 3.x)


When running RIA applications, cached files are saved on the client side under the %TEMP%\RIACache folder and on the server side in the folder defined in the Rich Client Cache Path environment setting. Files are saved on the server cache and then on the client cache. Some files are saved on the server with the suffix of the project name. Others, such as KeyboardMapping.xml and the EnvironmentParams.xml, are not saved with any suffix or unique ID.

This situation can cause confusion between the applications, because one application will use the second application's settings. How can I prevent this?


The solution is to separate the RIACache folder on the server.

To do this, load each application on the server with different .ini files. Besides the application’s specific setting, each .ini file should include a different RIACache path. This will ensure that the files will be saved under different folders.

For example:

Application #1 will be loaded with RIACache = D:\Magic xpa\RIACahce\App1

Application #2 will be loaded with RIACache = D:\Magic xpa\RIACahce\App2

With these settings, each application will have its own RIA cache and any confusion between the files will be eliminated.
