Should I Keep the Component's Logging in Production? (Magic xpi 4.1)
Magic xpi offers various logging options to give you additional information about your project. However, logging significantly slows down the project’s execution. You can, therefore, disable certain log types to achieve the optimum project performance.
Debugging logs, such as the Mapper.log and the SFDC log, should not be used in the production environment unless you have a specific problem that you need to debug.
In addition, you can disable some of the logging messages that are written to the internal database and are then displayed in the Monitor. You don’t need to restart the server for these filtering preferences to be updated and applied.
You can also control the Monitor’s logging level through the MonitorLogLevel= flag in the ifs.ini file. However, if you make any changes to this flag, you will have to restart the server for the changes to take effect.