SugarCRM - Methods (Magic xpi 4.1)
The following methods are used to configure the SugarCRM connector using Direct Access Methods:
The following table lists the methods and parameters that can be used. Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Create Product Bundles creates a group in quote line items.

Group Name
The group's name.
Group Stage
The group's stage. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
Draft (default)
On Hold
Closed Accepted
Closed Lost
Closed Dead
Result Product Bundle ID
The created product bundle's ID.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the corresponding error code is returned.
Document Add Revision adds a new document revision to an existing document entity. You should first create the document entity with the XML interface.

Document ID
The document's ID.
File Path
The full path of the newly revised file.
The revision number.
Result Revision ID
The created revision ID.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the corresponding error code is returned.
Get Server Info gets the SugarCRM server's current GMT time, version, and flavor.

The SugarCRM edition, such as Enterprise, Professional, or Community.
The SugarCRM system's version number.
GMT Time
The current GMT time on the server in Y-m-d H:i:s format.
Get User ID returns the ID of the user in the current session.

User ID
Returns the current session's user ID.
Link creates links between quotes, product bundles, and products.

Module Name
The module's name.
Module ID
The module's ID.
Link Name
The link's name.
Link Module ID
The created link module's ID.
Link Result
The variable where you want to store the link result.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the corresponding error code is returned.
Note Add Attachment adds an attachment to an existing note entity. You should first create the note entity with the XML interface.

Note ID
The note's ID.
File Path
The full path of the file that you want to attach to the note.
Result Note ID
The created or updated note ID.
Error Code
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the corresponding error code is returned.