The following How-to topics deal with Tree controls in Magic xpa:
How Do I Display Data in a Tree-format?
How Do I Properly Define a Hierarchical Data Source that Will Fit a Tree Control Display?
How Do I Set Icons for the Tree Nodes?
How Do I Show/Hide the Expand/Collapse Buttons?
How Do I Add a New Child Node at Runtime?
How Do I Add a New Sibling Node at Runtime?
How Do I Explicitly Expand/Collapse Tree Nodes at Runtime?
How Do I Automatically Open the Tree with All Its Nodes or only Several Nodes Expanded?
How Do I Set the Tree Control to Display the Expand Button only in the Relevant Nodes that Actually
How Do I Show/Hide the Connecting Lines of the Tree Control?
How Do I Show/Hide the Root Node as Part of the Tree Content?
How Do I Skip to a Specific Tree Node?
How Do I Respond to any Expand/Collapse Activity Performed on the Tree Control By the End User?
How Do I Respond to the End User Movement from One Node to Another?
How Do I Highlight the Entire Line of the Current Tree Node?