The table below lists the methods and parameters that can be used. Parameters in bold are mandatory.
Alpha Field Value verifies that a given argument’s string value is equal to one of the given options.

Input Value
Enter the value that you want the Validation component to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Valid Values
Enter a comma delimited string containing the valid values, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Return Value
This parameter returns the result of the check that you requested.
You can select any variable to hold the method's return value.
Click to open the Variables List, where you can choose from the available variables.
Error Code
A Validation component error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Date Field Range verifies that a specified date's value is within a defined range.

Input Value
Enter the date that you want the Validation component to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Range Type
Select one of the following range types from the drop-down list:
Date Range
From Date
To Date
From Date
Enter the minimum date in the range that you want to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
To Date
Enter the maximum date in the range that you want to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Return Value
This parameter returns the result of the check that you requested.
You can select any variable to hold the method's return value.
Click to open the Variables List, where you can choose from the available variables.
Error Code
A Validation component error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Empty Field verifies that a specified argument is not empty.

Input Value
Enter the name of the argument that you want to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Return Value
This parameter returns the result of the check that you requested.
You can select any variable to hold the method's return value.
Click to open the Variables List, where you can choose from the available variables.
Error Code
A Validation component error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Field Format verifies that a specified argument's date format has been entered in the correct format.

Input Value
Enter the text that you want the Validation component to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Enter the Input Value's type by selecting one of the following from the drop-down list:
Numeric Format
This parameter is available only when you select Numeric from the Type field's drop-down list, above.
Enter the required numeric format, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Date Format
This parameter is available only when you select Date from the Type field's drop-down list, above.
Select one of the following date formats from the drop-down list:
Time Format
This parameter is available only when you select Time from the Type field's drop-down list, above.
Select one of the following time formats from the drop-down list:
Alpha Format
This parameter is available only when you select String from the Type field's drop-down list, above.
Enter the required string format, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Date Custom Mask
This parameter is available only when you select Custom from the Date Format field's drop-down list, above.
The mask lets you define, for example, the separators between the numbers, or the structure of a date.
Enter the required mask, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Time Custom Mask
This parameter is available only when you select Custom from the Time Format field's drop-down list, above.
The mask lets you define, for example, the separators between the numbers, or the structure of a time.
Enter the required mask, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Return Value
This parameter returns the result of the check that you requested.
You can select any variable to hold the method's return value.
Click to open the Variables List, where you can choose from the available variables.
Error Code
A Validation component error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Numeric Field Range verifies that a specified numeric argument's value is within a defined range.

Input Value
Enter the numeric argument that you want the Validation component to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Range Type
Select one of the following range types from the drop-down list:
Minimum To Maximum
Enter the minimum numeric argument in the range that you want to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Enter the maximum numeric argument in the range that you want to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Return Value
This parameter returns the result of the check that you requested.
You can select any variable to hold the method's return value.
Click to open the Variables List, where you can choose from the available variables.
Error Code
A Validation component error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Numeric Field Value verifies that a specified argument's value is equal to one of the given options.

Input Value
Enter the number that you want the Validation component to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Valid Value
Enter a comma delimited string containing the valid numbers, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Return Value
This parameter returns the result of the check that you requested.
You can select any variable to hold the method's return value.
Click to open the Variables List, where you can choose from the available variables.
Error Code
A Validation component error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
Text Field Length verifies that a specific text is within the permitted range.

Input Value
Enter the text whose length that you want the Validation component to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Range Type
Select one of the following range types from the drop-down list:
Minimum To Maximum
Enter the minimum permitted length in the range that you want to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Enter the maximum permitted length in the range that you want to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Return Value
This parameter returns the result of the check that you requested.
You can select any variable to hold the method's return value.
Click to open the Variables List, where you can choose from the available variables.
Error Code
A Validation component error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.
XML Validation verifies that an argument's XML is valid by checking it with a provided XSD.

Enter the XML content that you want the Validation component to check, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Enter the path/URL of the XSD file against which the XML is to be validated, either directly or by clicking to open the Expression Editor.
Return Value
This parameter returns the result of the check that you requested.
You can select any variable to hold the method's return value.
Click to open the Variables List, where you can choose from the available variables.
Error Code
A Validation component error code.
Click to open the Variables List. Select a variable where the error code is returned, and then click Select.