WIN (Magic xpa 2.x)
This token instructs the Magic xpa engine to park on a repository object.
Each repository is defined by a string as follows:
MDL_REP – Models
TBL_REP – Tables
PRG_REP – Programs
HLP_REP – Help screens
RGT_REP – Rights
MNU_REP – Menu
CMP_REP – Components
These strings are suffixed by a number representing the object number in the repository.
For example: Simulate, WIN=MDL_REP#15, parks on the fifteenth model entry in the Model repository.
You can also use the WIN token with the following options:
Simulate, WIN=PRV_LCT (to park on the previous location, such as an actual task)
Simulate, WIN=PRV_ENT (to park on the previously-parked main entry, such as a program containing the previously-parked task, rather than the task itself)
Simulate, WIN=NO_REP (to remain on the cleared workspace)