Magic xpi Studio Toolbar (Magic xpi 4.1)
The Magic xpi Studio has a toolbar with the following buttons:

New Project: Opens the Project Properties dialog to create a new project.

Open Project: Click to open an existing project.

Close Project: Click to close the current project.

Save Project: Click to save changes to the current project.

Print Preview: Click to print the current project.

Build Executable File: Click to build the executable file.

Variables: Click to open the Variables Repository.

Resource Repository: Click to open the Resource Repository.

Service Repository: Click to open the Service Repository.

Environment Variables: Click to open the Environment Variables Repository.

Debugger: Click to open the Debugger. See the Debugger topic for an explanation on how to debug a project or flow.

Zoom In: Click to zoom in and make the diagram (flow, topology, or business process) larger.

Zoom Out: Click to zoom out and make the diagram (flow, topology, or business process) smaller.

Move Back: This button is displayed in the following cases:
Click to return to the flow that was selected before you used the Move To option.

Help: Click to open the Magic xpi Help system. In many cases, the Help system will open directly to the topic that describes the process you are working on.